Recently, one of the original professional team Mataram Vamos, introduce futsal Academy named Vamos Academy. Futsal Academy based in Bandung is headed by Bonsu Hasibuan, the head coach of FC Vamos 2013-2016.
Bonsu not just own manage Vamos Academy, because the name Febby Ahermansyah was also involved. In fact, futsal team Manager Indonesia Homeless World Cup who were the architect of the Vamos Academy.
Febby feel yet a lot of the futsal Academy talent able to accomodate children of Indonesia. In fact, its potential is quite high. This is also the underlying shared Febby Bonsu made the Academy which has a dream to be able to give birth to players with athorough preparation to be able to compete in the world perfutsalan Indonesia as well as the world.
As Director of the Academy, Vamos Febby planned Academy might be in order for the teaching process sematang correspond to potential players. The Academy is divided into four age groups, introduction period for 2-5 years, the junior period for age 6-12 years, the format of period to age 14-16 years, and performance for the peroid age 17-21 years old.
Teaching curriculum used Vamos Academy for children age category adapted to the OLD curriculum so the material presented will be more easily absorbed by the child. This is one of the advantages of Vamos Academy from other futsal Academy.
According to Febby, coaching the kids is far more challenging than with trained adult futsal player. "Children need a more specific futsal handling, need more patienceand care are different than adults, more exciting actually," said Febby to Futsal Zone.
"We're the coach, so the more challenged for their children's future. The intent is so trying to train in order to understand how to correct in futsal, because their essenceis really from scratch. At least trying to convince them that in the future when they are large, futsal is one of their sports, "added he.
Vamos Academy can be the way a player is to be able to be a player pro. Players who are qualified enough graded kemampannya will be recommended to join the Vamos FC. In this way, their futsal career opportunities would be wide open even to be a player.
Expectations from this Academy are generating Vamos a player good future timas nor professional. Also for parents, is expected to have an understanding that in addition to the large, airy football, they also have an alternative to the talent of his son through futsal. The other was the spread of hope Academy in other cities.